There will be two Workouts in this competition. Women's and Men's Division will have 3 heats each.
With a 6 minute running clock complete the following:
3 Rounds of:
12 Deadlift #135/85
6 Hang Power Cleans #85/55
With the time remaining complete ME (Max Effort) of Burpees to a 6inch Target.
In this WOD each person will have 2 bars set up. One with their Deadlift weight on the bar and their Hang Power Clean weight on the other bar. The Burpees will be chest to ground with a jump up to a 6 inch target (rings) overhead with an extended arm.
With a 10 Minute time cap complete One Round of the following:
100 Singles
40 Air Squats
20 Sit-Ups
10 Hand Release Push Ups
30 Russian Kettle Bell Swings #53/35
10 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Sit-ups
40 Air Squats
100 Singles
In this WOD if you complete the entire workout your time will be recorded. If the time cap is NOT met you will be scored on your total reps completed.
There will be time set aside this week and next, during regular class times, to go over the movements in this competition.