Monday, February 25, 2013


Skill/Strength: 10 min Handstand Push Up Work

-3 Shoulder to overhead
-2 Tire Flips
-1 Deadlift
*Weight will be determined before the workout. Strength, strength, strength.. I'll be stressing it the entire class today.

Post: 6 minute run


Finally got the tires down to the gym! Soooo, guess what todays WOD will involve??

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Had a great turn out for the competition at Crossfit Stacked in Johnson City. AJ did a great job representing us, and hope that he gets a chance to do it again. He finished 4th in the scaled division. It was awesome to see so many athletes come together for a great cause. I appreciate having the opportunity to judge, it was a blast!
AJ before the snatch ladder

Friday, February 22, 2013

6am class is a great way to start the morning! Guys did a great partner wod! Having 11am, 4pm, 5pm classes today. Also, going to go over certain movements with AJ in preperation for tomorrows competition. Can't wait!

*Picture: Just a little puppy love :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday's WOD

Thursday's WOD
"Life always offers you another chance, it's called tomorrow"

NO Saturday Class 02/23/13

NO Saturday class 02/23/13. We will be making our way out to Crossfit Stacked in Johnson City for a competition. Whether you're competing or just want to watch, come check it out. All proceeds are going to benefit children in Haiti. Fitness Box's own Adam Kilinski (AJ) will be there representing our FB family!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

2/16 Saturday Community WOD

Had a great group yesterday for our Free Community WOD! Was a tough workout but everybody finished strong and had fun. Word is spreading around the tri-cities about Fitness Box and what we offer to our community. I'm getting more and more excited about educating Bristol and the surrounding areas about a healthy lifestyle!

Friday, February 8, 2013

10:00AM Community Workout tomorrow morning!! Come for a FREE workout and see why Fitness Box is different from any other gym in the TRI-CITIES!!
1720 Volunteer Parkway, Bristol TN

Thursday, February 7, 2013

1720 Volunteer Parkway, Bristol TN
4:00 and 5:00 classes this afternoon!

WOD: AMRAP 10 min
3 bent over rows
6 pistols (alternating legs)
9 V-Ups

Post: 1200m Run
*Will be scaled accordingly*

Friday, February 1, 2013

4:00 and 5:00 classes today!
1720 Volunteer Parkway, Bristol, TN 37620

Skill/Strength: Goblet Squats
Complete 40 Goblet Squats (Not For Time)

WOD: Time Trial
Cover max distance, Run 9 minutes
*Scaled 6 min
*Beginner 3 min

Post Fun: ABS