Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gym Updates!

Exciting things going on at Fitness Box this month!!
First off, our gym is continuing to grow and grow! We're getting new members daily and I'm excited they will be joining the great group we already have!

We have had an average increase of 15# in everyone's Max Lifts and it's only been about a month for most! Early next week we will have our climbing rope. This will give a fun twist to some WO...Ds!
We will be continuing to bring in new equipment, which brings me to the garage sale this weekend. The sale will run from about 6:00am till 10:00am. This means we will only have ONE FREE SATURDAY WORKOUT AT 10:00AM!! Bring a friend or two or three or four.... it's FREE FREE FREE!!

NOTE: Our shirts are expected to be in tomorrow! They are all $15 each. Bring your money tomorrow to pick it up!

Isaiah 41:10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
The king of all measurable strengths is absolute strength, but overall the true king of strengths is mental strength.
Another great DEP Call today! Fitness Box was presented with a Certificate by Air Force Staff Sgt. J.R. Hair and Staff Sgt. David Bristow but we should be thanking them for allowing us to be apart of the preparation in the future of these young men and women.
Everyone went through a 12 min AMRAP, planning for the top 2 finishers to go head to head afterward. Turns out 3 guys, Jarrod, Tyler and Jonah, finished at the top with 166 reps. It was an exciting, fast-paced hour and I can't wait for the next one.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Previous Air Force DEP Call 4/2/13

Last Month's DEP Call was a huge hit! Everyone of the young individuals did a great job learning the movements in the workout and listened very well. Some might not have done as well as they hoped, but hopefully they have been working the last month on their weaknesses and overall fitness level. I'm looking fwd to Tuesdays DEP Call and seeing where they stand physically!! Here's a look at last month's U.S. Air Force DEP Call.

About that time again! Air Force DEP Call next Tuesday at 4:00pm at the Fitness Box!! This means our usual 4:00pm session is canceled.
If you have the slightest interest in joining our U.S. Air Force message me and I will get you in touch with J.R Hair and David Bristow. Two awesome guys that will answer your questions and get you started with a well-respected career!